搪玻璃反应釜机械密封是一种用于旋转机械的油封。 由于传动轴穿过搪玻璃反应器,因此轴与反应器之间存在圆周间隙。 反应器中的介质通过间隙泄漏。 如果反应罐内的压力低于大气压,空气就会泄漏到反应罐中。 因此,必须有防止泄漏的轴封装置。
ZHM2009 Type
This cartridge mechanical seal for glass lined reactor can adapt to a variety of highly corrosive granular media. It is equipped with parts of high universality and the transmission is non-directional.
Technical Parameters
Pressure: 0.1~0.6Mpa
Temperature: -10~180℃
Shaft speed: ≤2m/s
221 Type
This shaft seal can withstand acid, alkali, and other highly corrosive media.Technical Parameters
Pressure: 0~1.0Mpa
Temperature: -40~120℃ (250℃) When the temperature exceeds 120℃, a cooling water tank is required.
Shaft speed: ≤2m/s
ZHM221 Type
This end face seal has a cartridge type structure and the transmission has no direction. With a leakage collector, this sealing device will not pollute the materials.
Technical Parameters
Pressure: 0~1.0Mpa
Temperature: -40~180℃
Shaft speed: ≤2m/s
212 Type
This mechanical sealing device is able to withstand various gaseous media with no suspended particles except HF.
Technical Parameters
Pressure: 0~10.4Mpa
Temperature: -10~120℃
Shaft speed: ≤1.5m/s
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